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Elders Programs


Immigrant and refugee elders need connection and community to thrive. Our Elders Program help aging clients integrate into the Lincoln community while cultivating healthy habits specific to their stage in life.

  • Health Outreach
  • Physical Activities
  • Field Trips
  • English Classes
  • Citizenship Classes

All elders are welcome! Groups meet weekly in the Asian Center classrooms. Transportation can be provided to clients in our programs.

In 2023, 300+ elders participated in our programs!


  • Field trips
  • Shared meals


  • Health Screenings
  • Physical Activity
  • Digital Literacy education
  • Community building activities

Case Management

  • Medication management
  • General health management
  • Peer Support
  • Social determinants of health support


Thank you to our Elders Program partners!

Aging Partners

Lincoln Hygiene Network


REFERRAL OPPORTUNITY: Refugee Elders Program has funding for Ukrainian and Afghan families who have been in Lincoln more than 90 days.

  • Qualifications (refugee status, arrived in last 5 years, over age 60)
  • Benefits include: medical transportation, grocery gift cards or stipend, periodic special activities